I think I went over a year without writing anything in this space.

If you’re new here, welcome. If you have been here before, welcome back.

Over the past year, I got married, accepted a new job, entered a new decade of my life, and like the rest of the world, ended up locked in my apartment for several months (and counting…). I read all of the op-eds about how “the time is now” and anyone who wanted to write no longer had an excuse. It took a lot of gym sessions, yoga, reading, and sitting around in just plain silence before coming to the conclusion that it might be time to pick up a pen (or keyboard) again and put my ideas out into the world.

A couple of professional shifts helped with that, as well. My new job provides space for me to write whitepapers about commerce, strategy, and technology, with the support of my amazing team. I was also asked to be a Founding Fellow for Coruzant Technologies, and did a few podcast interviews and webinars with colleagues in my industry.

As I worked on these projects, which led to an ask to write an op-ed column, I decided that I should also be creating more content on my own site. Though striking a balance between my various personal and professional interests has always been tricky, re – branding my website seemed like a good place to start.

For the most part, I will focus my writing on sharing snippets about my work in technology, the relationship between Ph.D.s and private sector careers, women in leadership, and other experiences I think could provide context and meaning to my professional life. If there are questions you have for me, I am an open book. 

I hope the stories I share in the weeks and months to come encourage you to take the next step in whatever side project gives you energy and joy. Find a way to refocus and do things that allow you to recharge. And if the result means re – branding or shifting your direction, go for it!

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.co

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